Sunday, November 20, 2011

snow cold cookin

Cold and beautiful day in the methow.  We left Spokane at 6am to get to the valley in time for the Greenbay Packers game. 6am. We left at 6 am and drove five hours to watch a football game. Without shame, I tell you, the game was damn good.  At half time, Vivi D. and I cut the NFL feeding cord to play a little snow fetch.  

After a sleepless night in the name of the greenbay packers, it seemed most fitting to make a giganto tray of nachos. The nacho recipe is not post-worthy, but it DID make me think of the cashew cheese I have made for nachos past:  Did you know you can make delicious cashew cheese-esque toppings just by soaking cashews for 10 -12 hours and blending them up with garlic, nutritional yeast, salt, etc.?  Yup. You can.

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