Sunday, November 13, 2011

Steaming Up the Window Plastic

Ahoy from the 206/801!
Funny you should mention the seasonal alcohol...we had a dollop of eggnog in our coffee this morning. Rum to come!

Stirred up some Irish beef stew last night to fight off the frigidity. It's Irish because it has Guinness in it. Also fresh leprechaun.

It has already been a season of warm, thick, slow-to-make foods...

Chili a la Harvest Meal 2010
Pan de muertos a couple of weeks ago, complete with top knob (what is that for, do you know?)
REAL lasagne from the Italian north (not a lot of sauce)

And lots of wine. Today was the last day of the 20% off wine-stravaganza at the G.O. It was hard to walk out the door, I must say.

And now we're "cooking up" some ideas for Harvest Meal III!!
Can't wait.


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