Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Best Part of the Meal

It has been long overdue and you all are about to experience my first attempt at BLOGGING. AHHH!!!! Good, I can already check off "using all caps for one word" and "continuous exclamation points" from the "must do on a blog" list. Well, I haven't created an incredible meal for this post. Instead, this is a tribute to our good friend - the wine bottle. Actually, I am going to write about the by-product of the wine bottle.

Being a bit of a recycling nerd, I have been keeping bottle caps and wine corks for a few blue moons. Well, I came across a good use for those corks that doesn't require a large inventory and very minimal supplies.

A Hot Pan Mat


1 - Wine corks (wood cork or artificial)
2 - Picture frame (size dependent upon the amount of available corks)
3 - Several 2 inch screws and electric screw driver
4 - Hot glue gun and glue sticks or super glue


1 - Find a picture frame that you don't want to use for pictures anymore.
2 - Line the sides of the frame with corks so you know how many corks to screw together.
3 - Fill the inside of the picture frame with as many corks as you can smoosh together. Yes, I can also check "use the word smoosh" off of the list.
4 - Screw together the corks, leaving the head of the screws on the visible sides of the hot mat.
5 - Using your glue gun or super glue, attach the corks connected with screws to the top perimeter of the picture frame.
6 - Grab a cooking pan and place it on the stove top with the heat on high.
7 - Once the pan is super hot, place it on your new hot pad so you an enjoy your newest creation.

One last thing that I have to add to this blog post.....

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